Tried to mind and tend..but you know how it goes!! I'm back in the action.
Predators's like dealing with loan sharks..the Mafioso.
New Type Gangsters now running things...from the U.S to Afghanistan..Whatcha up in here for they ask Obama..they even ask this bruh? told them..I'm going for what I know.
Reality will show us a few things!! as hopes and dreams get shattered.
Just like hearts do!! but I wasn't trying to start with you!! my thoughts were scattered.
In the meantime and between time!! egos were bruised and battered!! roughed up.
...whose seen with mine? others were told man up!!! or toughen up.
So what's up with sensitive ones? innocent bystanders become collateral damage.
Classified or sensitive information discussed? who'll control the damage?
Media spins like Toyota's or Honda's!! pumping brakes? changing directions?
Impeded by the apparatus!! dealing with fakes who accent our indiscretions.
Dealing with jakes and other wannabe authorities!! sessions disturbed.
Dealing with ones who say cake or the paper is the mission!!!...just gamblers out for a fast buck!! these bad land territories; sections; appetites not curbed.
Plus I observed the sideways glances and skeptical looks on their face.
Plus I observed the score!!! hard to advance!! spotted politicians, business, newscasters and clergy..too many crooks up in the place!!
O-Dog has his own beats, bars, and hooks up in the place!! our response.
Taking it to the streets like Doobie Brothers!!