Thursday, August 8, 2019

Gene Chandler - Get Down

Digital Crate Digging Continues on a Throwback Thursday; we're doing our diligence..

Jazz funk and hip hop we're dropped earlier, so who'll work with a bruh? somebody knows what the deal is..

Reflecting on past episodes where a Thursday night was once a big club night; the eagle flew on a Thursday at the factories up in Louisville so we weren't waiting on Friday night like Johnny Kemp..

Now Louisvillians / Louisvillains we're chilling out at the hole in the wall club; jokers were drinking Kentucky bourbon and other brown and white liquors after smoking that cannabis / hemp..

Those were simple times, now jokers are up in Louisville  like Moscow Mitch,  hiding out so gun legislation won't be passed.

Back in the day Gene Chandler with  Get Down was heard in the hole in the wall club, jokers lived their lives, they  put it down before time passed!!

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