Sunday, November 3, 2019

King Curtis - Watermelon Man (Remix)

Sunday Jazz Continues as we put it down a little earlier that usual; check us out y'all....

This is how we did it back in the day, until we started attending the morning service on Sunday; so what's up y'all? 

Some will call it being under the weather, swerving in this Atlanta  30 degree weather after hitting the 80's earlier in the week?

Balling with it? I'm dropping sound like , whatever!! earlier?  in the 90's / 00's with the hip hop then moved on to house music, doing what's conducive sonic strengthening the weak...

Sonic havoc is what we'll wreak!! back on some jazz influenced drum and bass like an earlier episode; we're listening to King Curtis with  Watermelon Man, remixed by the Utah Saints..

Sonic havoc is what we'll wreak!! check the mode!! borders / boundaries / genres will blend, that's how we'll work this!! ignoring all those with the "can'ts  and ain'ts"

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