Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Deliberate Falsehood Mixture / Scripture (Part Four)

 The deliberate falsehood was perpetrated! that arch nemesis was on the premises making empty promises that some believed.

Oh yes, that old arch rival threatening our survival! we governed ourselves accordingly per the old school Baptist preacher up in Louisville or mentioned by some preacher on this Sunday morning but many were deceived!

Brotha O was on it /doing what he does!  many endeavors achieved as scattered thoughts abandoned my mind that was in turmoil, a battlefield! 

What mattered? some said evangelism but was it spiritual vandalism for those blessed in the city and the field? 

The deliberate falsehood was perpetrated, it was an attempt to keep many from the truth as some played the truth game.

Similar to the Olympics in Paris? check the dynamics who'll play fair with us in this sport? the homie from up in Louisville said it's all game... they keep changing the rules changing fools who think they have it going on with their deliberate falsehoods!

Corporations? strangling fools with greedflation, so what's the prognosis? false positives were detected out in these hoods!

Many disrespected, but in a way it was expected; many were acting false out in these hoods deliberate falsehoods were off the chart!

In the midst of the ongoing madness we'll proceed and continue, showing the devil and his advocates we have a heart!

Supreme courage and maximum strength will play a part plus we're blessed and highly favored!

Bear witness to how we work it dropping this good word and sounds that are funk flavored!

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