Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Deliberate Falsehood Mixture / Scripture (Part Eight)

 It was already rough out here due to the Mercury retrograde in Leo  / Virgo even though it's stationed direct.

Plus it's a blessing to be here on this Thankful Thursday so we're showing respect.

But many are up to no good with the deliberate falsehood, I'm bearing witness down here in Georgia with the election board interference! check the polarization as scientists calculated all that space between us.

Way way out there, hard to connect with rockets from SpaceX so what's next / what's really going on? away from home like those stranded astronauts?

Show respect as we broadcast live and direct from our remote outpost out off of I-20 in Atlanta! choosing our corner of the world because there's no adhesion.

What did we expect from those working for the matrix architect implementing the deliberate falsehood; wayward hearts and souls found out it was all for naught.

Due to the deliberate falsehood some are caught up in the system  / matrix, the funk? they'll fake it.

Check the Throwback Thursday terminology per the retro futuristic psychology, we're going to make it...

...back to the future; fueled by the sound as digital crate digging continues and dropping this good word  / writing poems but some feelings are ineffable.

Delicate? acting brand new with you because of the deliberate falsehood so some of those feelings I was told to let go..

..of; they fit like a glove unlike OJ Simpson when they didn't fit so jurors had to acquit; some feelings part of my identity?

Exploded per the confrontation! testy! damn, so what's up?  now nobody will deal with me!

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