Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Deliberate Falsehood Mixture / Scripture (Part Six)

 We're coming through on this Sunday morning doing our due diligence, confronting the deliberate falsehood.

What's the prognosis? we're trying to analyze the information concerning false positives in the hood!

Some are sick with it  / slick with it! now catch us out here choosing our corner of the world.

The healing of the spirit was not complete so we needed a safe haven / safe harbor from the downpour that occurred.

AKA drama; dealing with the charlatans who were the architects as those raindrops turned into a psychic storm.

Influenced by that matrix architect who tried to spark it? we're ignoring those trying to tell me its the norm.

But once again it's on as we bear witness to joy coming in the morning as we roll down I-20 in Atlanta enjoying the sunshine and blue skies!

Once again its on, bear witness as we exercise supreme courage and maximum strength to rebuke the deliberate falsehoods  / lies!

Brotha O tries again and again to deal with these deliberate falsehoods  weaponizing the sound and this good word  / more poems; these scattered thoughts? I'll release.

Brotha O tries again and again as Sunday Jazz Continues plus the loose leaf / dry paper? met with a wet drop of color.

Blue ink dominates, check the downpour as we flood the environment,  naysayers ask are we disturbing the peace?

Soon a cascade the game played even though Brotha O doesn't play them even though it's all game; check the scores.

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