Sunday, March 16, 2025

We're Wise To The Whole Set Up (Part Seven)

 We're wise to the whole set up not trying to get stuck or caught up blame it on Louisville  / Newburg default settings!

We'll rise to the occasion coming through with supreme courage and maximum strength sometimes winning / sometimes losing like Louisville beat by Duke; the truth I don't dispute after Sunday Morning reflecting!

The story so far? a lot of disrespecting out here in the mainstream of mathematics, it's unfolding as I write this.

My mind? due to scattered thoughts about trying to play things like this or that is restless / rude; fighting inquietude as I write this!

My kind? in the grand scheme of things just an infinitesimal speck in the universe.

But some plot and scheme up on things from local  / national  / international and intergalactic settings but in the meantime and between time  I'm trying to chill out  / parleying in my remote outpost out off of I-20 in Atlanta so no fault lays here even as I pray and curse!

But I'm wise to the whole set up after peeping game  / doing the knowledge; there's mischief in the skies per the Full Moon in Virgo / Lunar Eclipse but also here on Terra Firma. 

The vibe is dissonant; people get dissed due to that and this it'll be rough out here for a slow learner. 

They'll see it hits different; they weren't wise to the whole set up they believed the velvet lies..

 ..told by those Sade  or even Big Daddy Kane type of smooth operators; things were mediocre; I heard all the Prince type of dove cries!

Brotha O tries a little tenderness per Otis Redding but hatred it's begetting from these earthlings!

I had to wise up per the advice from Pops while I was up in Louisville now I'm wise to the whole set up check out how I'm working things!

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