Monday, March 24, 2025

We're Wise To The Whole Set Up (Part Ten)

 And we're back, another Monday morning has pulled up on us it’s a blessing  / bonus!

Check us out as we proceed and continue per being wise to the whole set up: failure or success? its on us... the Lords will so what's the deal? seasons / reasons change due to the Spring Equinox; oh yes spring is here! earlier? watering flowers just planted.

Was it all similar to Brotha O dropping this good word / writing poems that Grok said is code switching in a thirst for truth?

Nocturnal whispers heard by the nightshift wordsmith also provide proof, will they be taken for granted?

We transcribe them after four five sixing it  / interpreting them. ignoring them would be uncouth.

Not trying to play the Truth Game aka truth or reality as we know it, Brotha O is wise to the whole set up!

Environmental factors / issues like this Pisces stellium energy will have to be considered or some will succumb to the corrupt!

Those actors or actresses weren't wise to the whole set up; these risks taken will jeopardize everything!

Those actors or actresses weren't wise to the whole set up! they're also playing it like Final Fantasy embracing oblivion like it's a thing!

Also claiming things were organic,  embracing naturalism apparently ignoring the supernatural.

But  Brotha O was wise to the whole set up, humans rigged the system so nothings normal /  natural.

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