Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Heard Them Laughing; But Nothing Was Funny! (Part Seven)

 I heard them laughing but nothing was funny, maybe they have a warped sense of humor.

I'm working with them though dropping math up in this thing on a Terrible  / Terrific Tuesday where things can go either way, observe the scene / peep game / do the knowledge; reality will act brand new with you!

Brotha O is not acting brand new with you, check me out! a nightshift wordsmith with poems etched in moonlight.

Dropping math up in this thing after I heard jokers laughing; writing love letters from home or is it another type of insight?

Jokers were talking junk that others thought was funny but want to say we're acting funny because thoughts are way way out there like an exoplanet.

Get it? the good sister up in Louisville said Everybody Ain't Able so I'm sorry but not sorry, if I do or don't somebody will damn it!

Rode through Atlanta yesterday down by Piedmont Park and the Atlanta Jazz Festival as the singer did her rendition of an Eryka Badu song will the street preacher told festival attendees they need to repent.

I can understand another, Brotha O sounding like Bobby Womack?  check the Throwback like Thursday but who'll work with me? it's rough out here, corporate greedflation makes it hard to pay rent!

I heard some laughing but nothing was funny, even the young sister was discouraged; she didn't want to get up but she has a date with the future / a rendezvous with destiny, this didn't involve witchcraft or astrology, no superstition!

She had to proceed and continue  / keep it moving even though she had to sacrifice; she can't stop.

I heard some laughing but nothing was funny it's just chaos and confusion; the chain of events need a transfusion, her mission?

She needed to drop math up in this thing, her presence is needed so the madness would stop.

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