Digital Crate Digging Continues as we proceed and continue with this O-Dog Day Party on this Terrible / Terrific Tuesday; so named because things can go either way!
Manifesting a terrific outcome, celebrated by pulling out the drum per the advance celebration as we let the music play!
Trying to run a play like Russell Wilson now with the Pittsburgh Steelers but naysayers didn't feel us; I even woke to a new message; ok, so now I'm about to short-circuit. Jokers will knock the hustle with shady dealing hoping you'll be compromising with the devil; if not they'll find kompromat like GOP members; there's always something! matters are exigent! Jokers will loot the treasury then funds go to the laundromat like Deutsche Bank, insurance policies issued by the Chubb Group ill gotten gains they'll recoup; I wasn't in the loop so an exit stage left would be a good strategy! But sometimes no; I'm still posted up still trying to maintain so alas, we'll just have to deal with reality.
Whatcha know? we had to put it on Louisville / Newburg default settings back on this hip hop / soul music per this FULL VINYL | 90s Hiphop and R&B [Classics and more] | Ashiko@Oeuvre Bar courtesy of The Moment!
Whatcha know? what's the deal? check out the playlist and the mix! enjoy the moment!
Track List
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