Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Deliberate Falsehood Mixture / Scripture (Part Seven)

 We're doing what we do on this Terrible  / Terrific Tuesday where things can go either way; we're dropping this good word and the sound.

We know things can go either way but we're claiming the terrific outcome now check out the celebration after the manifestation as we let the music play check out the O-Dog Day Party; we're putting it down!

But check us out as we pause for the cause dropping this good word dealing with deliberate falsehoods; we're trying to make it to the next level but the steps were steep and narrow but we kept moving.

Naysayers are creating obstacles with the deliberate falsehoods but we kept going "all along the watchtower" per Jimi Hendrix; grooving.

Soon up there like a giant standing alone against the world but the lightning split sky shocked us!

Soon in distress like the apparatus will stress with the deliberate falsehood; 
off that mountain?  it knocked us!

The apparatus stressed us knocked us and our hustle but mental muscle is used to exercise power!

Check the status, the deliberate falsehood is rebuked by the truth or reality as we know it at the last hour!

Danger! Danger! like the robot from Lost In Space or maybe like astronauts stranded at the International Space Station? naysayers are on the case again, now some are trying to escape down that river on a jet ski.

Danger! Will Robinson Danger! this or that deliberate falsehood will have some caught in a noxious drift per the stress /  excitement plus the pollution..

..due to this and that institution with foul policies  / fallacies out there rolling like a bully...

...strong arming constituents with deliberate falsehoods; different levels of climate change? to some it's all an illusion.

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