Saturday, August 3, 2024

Damn!! Its All Wrong (Part Seven)

 Check us out as we come through on this Saturday morning once prime time for this blog!

The saga  / struggle continues as we proceed and continue moving through the smoke and mirrors  / fog!

Damn! it's all wrong! some we're comfortable in the smoke and mirrors  / fog, waiting in the dark! I heard them calling from out in those silent spaces.

I was out there per Donald Byrd; Places and Spaces but I tried to avoid capture  / cases and let it go! plus Undisputed Truth said don't believe those smiling faces.

They don't tell the truth: damn! It's all wrong but I remembered to stay strong I didn't forget!

Jokers were always acting uncouth playing the Truth Game based on reality as they know it but success? that was my result, I didn't quit.

We didn't quit  / stop  we kept it moving even though we had to sacrifice; damn! it's all wrong!

We didn't quit  / stop even though we were stranded out there in the smoke and mirrors, asking damn! for how long?

Damn! it's all wrong! many were caught out there in the system  / matrix but damn! was that a glimmer breach? many were tricked by something shiny / silvery!

Victimized by those that fake it until they make it, now some beseech us for help from those acting slippery.

Acting like the song by Souls of Mischief but instead of from 1993 its from here to infinity they'll try to use Project 2025 trickery to rule.

Damn! It's all wrong! bravery is needed or we'll be played like a bunch of fools.

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