Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Heard Them Laughing; But Nothing Was Funny! (Part Ten)

 I heard some laughing but nothing was funny, were they laughing to keep from crying?

I kept working doing the math up in this thing, trying to get over the hump per this HumpDay Extravaganza! I kept on running  / kept on trying..

..even though it got lonely out there; digital crate digging continues plus this blue ink pen is said to be similar to a torture device for the writer and the reader..

..of this poem; once again its on, but is it used by the devil you know aka Brotha O?

So they say; naysayers were loud / boisterous about it; I heard some laughing but nothing was funny so  will Brotha O rock a cloaking device? a  disguise worn so you can't see him? 

Guilty until proven innocent? please! you know society isn't benevolent we already know that's how it'll go!

We continue to go for what we know these jokers aren't stopping us, we heard some laughing but nothing was funny!

We continue to go for what we know dropping this good word and funky is how the drum will be!

This is what's up with me as I put it down like this, observing the scene  / peeping game  / doing the knowledge; interpreting space phenomena like the Jupiter Venus conjunction.. Taurus; now we have a stellium in Gemini it's that season maybe the reason Brotha O studied the dark mystery of time and space?  maybe even like a paraselenae.

For or against us? I heard some laughing but nothing was funny so we hid beneath the moon avoiding all the  dysfunction.

No requiem of tears, stayed strong with that supreme courage and maximum strength! that's how we'll play.

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