Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Setting Up Shop (Part Two)

 Check us out as we proceed and continue handling this HumpDay Extravaganza type of business!

Still trying to get over the hump and soon posting up like old school NBA centers before they starting shooting three pointers! we're setting up shop, my constituents know what the deal is!

They also know what the real is as we deal with these new type gangsters; one of their main culprits Donald Trump will be down here in Atlanta debating Joe Biden!

They also know what the real is concerning us being in transition  / circulating until we reach the spot where we can set up shop; for freedom? we keep riding!

As we proceed and continue some were wet and dry snitching, with the enemy they're confiding; a lot of chatter was heard about promises unspoken.

True indeed, the enemy also had plans for setting up shop but it's bad for our constituents; soon dreams were shattered and hearts are broken.

Checked out how they work things disturbing inner workings; we told our constituents that they'll need to keep it together!

They were told to stay positive  / stay strong with supreme courage and maximum strength! that attitude has an influence on surviving the stormy weather.

Brotha O?  business is handled at our remote outpost out off of I-20 in Atlanta but local  / national  / international and intergalactic excursions are taken! we set up shop in one spot but strange ships pulled into the harbor.

Probably the arch nemesis on the premises acting different with all the hatred they harbor.

After we set up shop breakbeat science was dropped, a warning issued to our constituents concerning piracy.

No justice no peace was the civil rights movement catch phrase, I fear there's no peace under the sun per this invasion of privacy!

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