Thursday, January 30, 2020

Cashing Reality Checks and Making Sound Effects PT.9

It's going down on this Throwback Thursday so I've got on my standard uniform for the occasion; rocking the blue number 20 Barry Sanders jersey plus an 05 Fubu hat...

Who'll work with me? this breakbeat science considered weird / quirky? those hating said "you need to go on with that"

Who'll work with me? we're on that!! acquiring that universal currency; reality checks were deposited into our accounts..

Confirming dude's attitude that his constituents  aren't worried about the Trump impeachment?  distracted / more concerned with rent or mortgage payments / car notes and payrolls deposited into their accounts?

Learning another's attitude about the constitution will soon have them  pumping brakes, tires screeched after realizing some will circumvent their freedom...

Learning another's attitude? an ill institution is hit up by beats that are bumping!! O-Dizzle is in the lab with the sonic assault, making sound effects!! soon y'all will see him!!

Check the attitude after cashing reality checks and making sound effects; out on the edges / out on the margin with this!! but still had Sunshine like Avery!! 

Check the attitude after cashing reality checks and making sound effects; out there / on the edges; in Babylon? no telling how the behavior will be!

Cashing reality checks, the game / life? your dude respects!! like the Trump Impeachment defense revealing their ill strategy it's something a dude expects; one thing for certain;  nothing is enslaving me, please!!  knowledge is power!

Making sound effects up in this game!! work is put in blue collar style!!  check the lab techniques that are enhanced,  check the behavior!! it's going down all the way down to the last hour!

Out there in the fire shower!! not waiting on Jusitce John Roberts or John Bolton to save us, survival techniques are enhanced out here in the Babylon wilderness.

Progress is made, but in 2020 jokers are still  out here robbing and stealing on so many different levels / rolling with different devils!! were not out of these hoods / woods yet!! O-Zone "is  knowing"  what the deal is.

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