Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The TelePrompTer Recital

Reading the TelePrompTer but it's not the morning or evening news style, these #poets have another perspective..

Pleading: prompt with it!! some are  mourning, but it's not a new style it's been here for a while!! it's a by-product of fearing, loathing, scorning!! now the  #poetry can be positive or negative...

Prompted on a Terrible / Terrific Tuesday or any day?  so what's the perspective, positive or negative?

Complimentary tickets provided to ride this roller coaster aka live this life;  it's a blessing,  even though it's up and down / high or low / round and round: check out how we live!!

Compliments in the thick of it?  sometimes: not mad at them,  but was the bragger / boaster too busy boosting themselves to overcome shortcomings? 

Coming with a ticket on them?  what?  these clearance rack epiphanies!! no need for shoplifting  / boosting:  some  #poets were boosting the masses up with stories of overcoming...

Had to admit, usually coming with a piano,  snare or kick drums over them: actually these clearance rack epiphanies are flexible...

#Poets will let you know one way or another; oh yes!!  interference is expected, but those that are negative should just let it go...

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