Coming through on this icy / snowy Saturday morning from the city of Atlanta but the science dropped is appropriate for any time frame plus it's local / national / international and intergalactic!
Coming through ain't nothing nice will be the message per rat race / dog eat dog revelations from Mr. Cole up in Louisville / Newburg back in the day, an authentic / real deal dude that dropped mathematics...
...warning us about being out there in the mainstream or the tributaries four / five / sixing it! it's easy to end up underwater like mortgages; living that waterworld life?
Another form of dealing with the authentic / real deal! similar to a Titanic like catastrophe! soon the toil and strife!
The mothership sank, some were confused they smoked / drank; those dancing shadows weren't rescue ships!
Jubilation? no, just more chaos / confusion / frustration! that's word from Brotha O as my mind flips.
Brotha O flips out with these borderline / on the edge rants and raves? that's the accusation from thought and fashion police.
Some don't like the authentic / real deal it interrupts their shady deals, that contributes to the environment lacking peace or justice...
...or even vice versa; but I see how another is trying to work it though; supposedly authentic / the real deal but a player out here with all their licentious desires!
No regrets, supposedly authentic / the real deal but that persona is overcome by the effulgence.
Placing bets like Las Vegas or even Fan Duel acting a damn fool, no consequences or repercussions like Trump with many bets that'll jeopardize or even crash empires.
Endeavors? less than authentic / the real deal more farcical / debatable; soon in ill circumstances.
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