Monday, September 9, 2024

These Breakbeat Scientists Are Putting It Down Like This! (Part Five)

 On this Monday morning where it's a blessing to be here? these breakbeat scientists are putting it down like this!

We're coming through dropping this good word and the sound, it's the essence of this discipline, we're putting it down like this!

It's the return of the  nightshift wordsmith and the O-Dog Day Partyer arriving on cue! I'm back!

Back with the sound and this good word  / more poetry, kept in the backpack / napsack.

A whole sack full not trying to act a fool just out here making a gallant effort to level up. 

These breakbeat scientists are putting it down like this not trying to act a fool avoiding all the drama / intrigue from those corrupt.

These breakbeat scientists are putting it down like this, we kept it moving even though we had to sacrifice; this is what's up!

This Institute of Breakbeat Scientific Studies byproduct will let our constituents know what's up!

Had a moment or two, peeping game  / doing the knowledge; soon I'm cleaning up dusty memories.

Some were ephemeral, so this breakbeat scientist won't recycle those / these.

Some were detrimental meant to take me under like MC Eiht and Compton's Most Wanted mentioned but no weapons formed would prosper; I left them in the macabre mists.

Others? just a lot of washed out dreams, out in a sea of inequity where it was hard to get the gist.

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