Tuesday, September 17, 2024

These Breakbeat Scientists Are Putting It Down Like This! (Part Eight)

 These breakbeat scientists we're getting busy putting it down like this on this Terrible  / Terrific Tuesday where things can go either way!

We're claiming the terrific outcome; affected by the Full Moon eclipse in Pisces so how will we play?

Naysayers claim its all game, instead of seeing us putting work in  / putting it down like this they want to see us caught out there between nodes; north and south.

These breakbeat scientists are putting it down like this now check these modes out there between Aries in the north and Libra in the south.

Oh yeah, putting it down like this but did never ending cravings have us misbehaving? 

Brotha O? I believe in miracles  like Hot Chocolate with Sexy Thing so is this when the magic happens? chemicals leak no balance; souls? enslaving.

What's the prognosis? this breakbeat scientist will analyze the information but accused of having hazardous material but what we have is spiritual!

Dealing with lethal doses from lethal weapons like Danny Glover so what's up with it? so what it do?

The devil opposes per the old school Baptist preacher up in Louisville but these breakbeat scientists are putting it down like this for their constituents but this wasn't where he left them, where are they?

While Brotha O was resting some slipped into the abyss; he woke up to the hazy smoke and mirrors after the horrors  / terrors: soon we realized that's how some play. 

Plus it's all dark and mysterious  like the dark mystery of time and space out there just beyond the threshold...

...per the next chapter so what's up?  what did investigations from these breakbeat scientists concur;? money, greed and power the motive we were told.

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