Saturday, June 22, 2024

These New Type Gangsters Are Still Doing Business (Part Nine)

Check us out as we come through on this Saturday morning; once prime time for this blog before we got caught out there in the smoke and mirrors  / fog!

Inspired by the Capricorn Full Moon? built or torn down because we thought it was all love and it made us swoon? it even frustrated  that Brotha O-Dog! 

Had to be debatable circumstances implemented by new type gangsters that had a lot of us bamboozled and hoodwinked!

They were hating on us,  supreme courage and maximum strength was needed but some stared into the eye of the tiger and they blinked!

They were hating on us something stinks; probably the smell of the latest new type gangster plot or scene!

This good word is dropped and the funk stinks weaponized to battle against new type gangsters after after observing the scene..

...peeping game  / doing the knowledge; the mothership gets good mileage and of course Digital Crate Digging Continues....

Let the music play is the motto; this is our scheme / plot to survive as the madness continues!

Rocking these venues as  Federalist Society Supreme Court type hustle knocking continues! 

Locking this down from 101 in San Francisco to  I-80 in Oakland to I-20 in Atlanta ;  by way of the Tuskegee Airman Trail up in Kentucky, this is what's up with me; was there any understanding? check the new type gangsters menus!

Rocking the sound from jazz, funk to disco with hip hop and house music is how we'll respond with only the best songs..

Acting a fool with mine? naw, some are understanding the rules to the game!!  this good word and the sound is rebuking society's wrongs..

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