Monday, June 3, 2024

Heard Them Laughing; But Nothing Was Funny! (Part Nine)

 As we proceed and continue with regular scheduled programming on this Monday morning we heard some laughing but nothing was funny.

We left May and June is here but we're still in Gemini season with the New Moon in Gemini up next; it's serious nothing is funny.

Observing the scene  / peeping game  / doing the knowledge; gazed into the sun / moon / stars, wondering was it too late?

We're back on the scene again but damn, we're amazed; it's real in the field, word from Richard Dimples Fields?  if it ain't one thing its another, dealing with the red thread of fate?

We're back on the scene again, heard some laughing but nothing was funny; messages were even relayed by the an alien delegate...

...from the Intergalactic Confederation but Brotha O was wise to the whole set up  / situation; sabotage, as lights blink on the instrument panel; the mothership knocked out of orbit? 

Knowing how the sport can get, complex; I heard some laughing but nothing was funny!

Our operation? we didn't abort, even though we're not greedy like The Dells its all about the paper  / money... corporations continue with their greedflation clocking record profits but  weaponize your thoughts was the advice that these prophets received.

Lost in thought, scattered thoughts are collected so we'll fight back as some truths will be conceived.

Heard laughing but nothing was funny but check our response like Hall and Oates in She's Gone we had another drink; then we'll make a quick decision.

Anything is possible when putting work in /  using focus, discipline and precision.

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