Sunday, May 12, 2024

War "Galaxy" (Spivey's Intergalactic Groove)

Sunday Jazz Continues on this Mother's Day, blessings to you and yours! check us out as we rock these venues,  whatsoever we do? it's got to be funky!!

Borrowing a line from James Brown now check out how we put it down! , dropped a track by him earlier along with the good word "y'all know how we do" ..just getting funky! 

Jokers will put their game down in the midst of the ongoing madness but it didn't surprise us; they want to see us caught up in the system / matrix.

Jokers will put the so called lame down then later on they'll have to answer to them when they're running the system while others fake it..

O-Dizzle? he couldn't take it, now he'll make a brake for it using the sound as a vehicle; O-Zone will do the knowledge a lot of things he'll see through..

What's the dizzle? we're out here per this public transportation / transformation now check us out, we're local / national / international and intergalactic with it! this is what's up / what it do!

While we're out here we had to tell DJ Spivey we see you! he came through with War "Galaxy" (Spivey's Intergalactic Groove)!

Check it out y'all! all the way live is how it'll be! check us out as we stay  Sunday Jazz / O-Dog Day Party simultaneously / stay on the move / stay in the groove! 

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