Monday, March 11, 2024

Acting Real Special (Part Nine)

 Check us out as we come through on this Monday morning doing our thing! it got lonely out there but we kept on running like Nick Chubb with the Cleveland Browns.

We're just doing our thing some will say we're acting real special but nobody will bail us out like the Chubb Group with Trump so like the Temptations we're standing on shakey ground!

Society will take you down a thousand or two, not listening to Chubb Rock with Treat Em Right! check the insight dropped by Brotha O! back with this poetry aka incoherent scrawl.

At least according to naysayers, they're out here saying we're acting real special so what's up y'all?

They don't understand players like us! everybody ain't able was the word from the old sister from over at the Shell gas station on Candler Road in Decatur! many can't read between the lines of this noevelle.

Along with digital crate digging that continues it's a strategy used when seeking change; some were lost under a spell.

Not digging where they're coming from they're acting real special in their own way.

They're rigging this and that situation from the Supreme Court on down, check out how they play!

We'll have to pray per Sunday morning service advice and also advice from the old school Baptist preacher up in Louisville; me? I was gone away, intergalactic! blasting off from our runway out off of I-20 in Atlanta now out there counting stars.

Cruising like my dude Steven T Easter out on the West Coast or like Jazz The Professor up in Detroit! I'm out there in the galaxy healing after counting scars.

That energy transformed me, soon acting real special! hopefully I'll flourish!

Lessons learned; now coming through with supreme courage and maximum strength! body, mind, soul and spirit I'll nourish.

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