Saturday, September 30, 2023

Conversations With The Wind (Part Three)

Soaking up this Full Moon in Aries energy after downloading Fall Equinox vibes as these winds of change blow affecting these tribes; strange objects an information blow in due to my Scorpio horoscope so you might even say we're having conversations with the wind.

Cloaking devices used for those not fair with those and these in the night rolling like thieves plus opposed to what one believes but Bob Dylan said the answer was blowing in the wind!

So what's really going on my friend? Brotha O kept it moving, he was taking these mystic voyages catch your due way way out there in the galaxy, out in space! Landed on the moon, not disputed by the Chinese like they did India's mission; oh my! quite a mystical place! Back down to earth with these poems after having conversations with the wind; please!! now ain't that a shame, what a hot mess was heard from the naysayers, also asking is it transcending eloquence? Back down to earth with these poems after having conversations with the wind; naysayers say no, said this is more like plagiarized madness!

Down to earth with this originality this is no copy, we're back with this after having a conversation with the wind!

Temperatures are still warm in the Atlanta area but the breezes have a bite or edge to them; seasons / reasons change my friend!

Lately, after conversations with the wind? sounds will blast plus this poetry is a daytime or a nighttime ritual. On the regular, back to back taking up the slack! not being slack like GOP congressional members concerning a government shutdown we're putting it down! lab techniques are enhanced but not studying iron structures in a cellar nor out of it sitting in a rockin' chair.. Baldur's Gate? Brotha O is a veteran in the game who after having conversations with the wind realizing it's too late; so I'm not a criminal who's habitual. Knowledge was dropped after having conversations with the wind! times cold breeze reveals those not playing fair.

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