Wednesday, July 29, 2020

George Benson - Off Broadway

Digital Crate Digging Continues as we try to keep the HumpDay Extravaganza segment going!!

The saga / struggle continues aka life goes on, getting over the hump is the business!! we're trying to keep this thing going!!

A brotha is just "going for what he's knowing" not stumped by the questions on the multiple choice test..

God is blessing us, it's showing even in the midst of this ongoing chaos and mayhem!! it's all just a test...

Oh yes!! it's a just a  test of the emergency broadcast system, to the Lord we're praying!! Lord Help Is The Battle Cry!!

Oh yes!! now who'll work with me? it's like George Benson On Broadway work was put it, trying to make it happen captain? why ask why?

Feeling spry!! grateful, chilling like this George Benson  Off Broadway track, I'm back!! check out the players and the track!!

Noticed it was written by Rod Temperton  and produced by Quincy Jones, back in the day they were pimping in these  musical zones man!! but it's not a simple thing! those that know will "holla back"

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